While there were classes that ran each day, there were other "special" activities
that the students were involved in.These activities were offered only once during
the stay and provided other unique experiences.


During the night hike, the students were led through the school's grounds by the counselors, without the aid of flashlights!  As they acquired their "night vision," they explored
the woods and fields, studied the sky, and had fun.
(Of course, no cameras went along on the hike, so sorry, no pictures!)

"I got used to walking in the dark without a light to help me."

"I liked doing the night hike because we got to spy on other tribes!"

"I enjoyed the night hike because we were told a very spooky story and it gave me the shivers!"


The second night there was a town meeting held.

The Onceler and the Lorax shared their stories with the townspeople.
Both tried to convince the town of their side- one to mine in the area, the other to
prevent the destruction of the area's natural resources.

When both sides had finished, the townspeople had the opportunity to ask questions
and share their opinions about the matter.


The students also had a little time when they could do some activities of their own choosing.

Some students chose to go on a walk along the beach, skimming stones and collecting shells.

Some students chose to go to the bamboo forest and play games.

"I had never seen real, living bamboo before!"
"We had fun playing games in the bamboo like "Stalk" and "Tigers."

Some students decided the tether ball court was the place to be!


There was also time set aside after dinner each night for the students to write in their journals.
They could reflect on the day's lessons, what they learned, and put their feelings down on paper.

The girls gathered in the common room, got comfortable, and wrote in their journals.


Before it was time to curl up in the bunks for a restful night's sleep,
the students gathered for stories in the common room.

The girls brought out their sleeping bags to settle in for some good stories.

"I enjoyed the story time at the end of the day.  It was very relaxing after a busy day!"
"I liked the stories; one of them was amazing and the other was gross!"

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